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ARGAN DE LUXE - Anti-Dandruff 2 in 1 anti-dandruff shampoo 300ml
Clinically tested shampoo with natural herbal ingredients to control dandruff, which will help re...
Urban Pro Makeup Eyeshadow brush 070B
Make the makeup process easier and faster with the phenomenal Urban Pro Makeup Blending...
URBAN PRO two-phase nail polish remover for nail regeneration and strengthening 150 ml
URBAN PRO two-phase nail polish remover for nail regeneration and strengthening 150 ml
Dear customers,
We would like to kindly ask you to carefully read following conditions, before using our services. Each visit to our web site, as well as shopping, means that you have read these conditions and that you agree with them fully. If you don’t agree with following conditions, we would like to ask you not to use this web site. Company ANJA COSMETICS D.O.O. is the rightful owner of this web site and it has the right at any time to update, change, delete or to modify in any way ground rules, regarding compliance with new regulatory or legal measures.
ANJA COSMETICS D.O.O. would like to welcome you to web site< allows you to use services and contents of this web site according to stated conditions of use. Conditions of use are applicable on all contents and services of and are binding for each user. Entering any part of the web site, it is considered that all users accept the use of this web site, only for personal use and at their own responsibility, and that they are familiar with below stated conditions of use:
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Anja Cosmetics D.O.O. has every rights and special permits for use and publishing content on website, that has been taken over by third party, the independent producers.
Unauthorized use, copying or any kind of distribution any part of website or content (website name, logo, texts, pictures, photos, videos and audio materials, database, software, programming code), without permission of the copyright owner, is considered to be copyright infringement and it subjects to lawsuits. For violation any part of terms of use is competent commercial Court in Podgorica, as well as all international courts, which area of expertise is copyrights protection.
Personal data that you forward to website, while register in purpose of accessing the pricelist and online purchases, will be treated in accordance with document of privacy on web. A-COSMETICS D.O.O. is able to collect personal data about web user. In accordance with informatics files and freedom law, modified and supplemented, user has rights to access, change, as well to erase their personal data. In order to exercise their rights, the users can refer to the e-mail: or by telephone:
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Budva tel: +382 (0) 68 039 080
Herceg Novi tel: +382 (0) 68 019 080
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Of course, this data set does not include your personal information. They are in accordance with our Privacy Policy, we use for internal use only, do not disclose to any third parties, but we use solely for the purpose of processing your online orders.
Alexandar D.O.O. endeavors to publish and update the content of the web site and to provide customers with accurate information. However, Alexander D.O.O. cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or comprehensiveness of the data that exist on the website. All content and information on the web site are designed only for informational purposes. In providing information about products, Alexandar D.O.O. partly relies on the description of the products made by manufacturers and third parties. It may happen that the material on this website has technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Alexandar D.O.O. disclaims all warranties of any kind (including, but not limited to, express, implied or statutory) as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability content and information on the web site. We do not endorse any advice that you came through the web site.
Alexandar D.O.O. has put every effort to display the colors of products on the website as accurately as possible. However, the actual colors you see are dependent on many factors including screen used and its calibration or monitor settings. Alexandar DOO does not guarantee that the display of any color is accurate. If you are for any reason unhappy with your experience in using the Web site, please contact us at: [email protected] or by phone: +381 21 455 558
Alexandar D.O.O. strives to provide continuous access to the website, without obligation. It is noted that for the purposes of maintenance, synchronizing data, installation and all other actions technical requirements, access to the web site can be disabled. Alexandar D.O.O. is not responsible for the inability to access the website, or for the consequences to the user that may result from it. By using the Web site, you accept full responsibility for any damage caused by downloading the documents and contents of the web site.
Alexandar D.O.O. shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by outages, faults and defects on the website. Alexandar D.O.O. shall not be liable for any personal injury, lost profits or other damages arising from the inadequate use of the Web Site.
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Alexandar D.O.O. does not assume responsibility for the result of the advice that are given to the user. Alexandar D.O.O. makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no responsibility for the implementation of Council and the application of the product. They are given in terms of the instructions for use and must be verified by a qualified person. For further information or in case of any doubts, the user can contact the following address: [email protected] and by phone: +381 21 455 558.
The links that are on our Web site may take the user to the websites of various associates, or independent producers solely to facilitate the work. If you use these links, you will leave our web site. Alexandar D.O.O. does not control the websites of independent producers and companies and is not responsible for any of these links, or their content. Therefore, we do not endorse or make any representations about them, or any information, software or other products or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the links that are connected to our website, you do so entirely at your own risk.
Personal data that you forward to the website, for registration in purpose of access to the price lists and Online purchases orders, will be treated in accordance to the Privacy policy on the web. In order to successfully process your order, we need your first name, surname, address, e-mail and telephone number. With the help of these data, we will be able to deliver your goods, as well as to inform you about order current status. We commit ourselves to keep all our costumers privacy protected.
We collect only a necessary and basic data about users, and data necessary for the business and informing users in accordance with good business customs and in order to provide quality services. We give customers choice, including the possibility to decide if they want to be removed from the mailing lists or not. All user data are strictly protected and are available only to employees, which they need for professional purposes. All employees at Alexandar D.O.O. are obligated to respect basic acts of privacy. We obligate ourselves that collected data are not used in any other purpose, and not be forwarded to other parties.
Besides specified, we collect, analyze and process data about products that our visitors require and buy, as well as the data about visited websites. Those data are used to improve our offer and appearance of our website pages, to make ability of easier usage and ordering.
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Using our Web Site complies with user's consent to these terms. Alexandar D.O.O. reserves all rights to amend the Terms of Use, in terms of compliance with new regulatory or legislative measures and shall be deemed to have been accepted by the user without any reservations. Alexandar D.O.O. may revise these Terms at any time by updating this document. Conditions are binding on all users and it is considered that each user is familiar with it.
If you are using you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password you received when registering on the website. Using website, you are responsible for all activities that occur by your account and your password. We reserve the right to refuse service, terminate account, or cancel your order, if we find that they are not in compliance with Terms of Use. The information that you provided in purpose of registration on we will use for the realization of orders and establishing business contacts and will not be used for any other purpose or in any way transmitted or sold to third parties.
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Website can be accessed through all the tablet devices and mobile phones, which are used by some of the following operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows. Web site is adjusted for the use of all devices that are often used. It’s accessible in any screen size device, or any resolution of the screen.
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The recommended screen resolution at which the appearance of the website is optimal is width of 1200 px.
In order to download and review price list, you need to register on our website, by filling the registration form with your personal information on the Registration page and create an account with a valid e-mail address. On that e-mail you will receive a password that you will use during logging in. By registering on our website and logging into your account, you will be able to download and view the complete price list of our product assortment.
When you select a category from the product menu, products prices will be located next to each product. Prices on the website are expressed including VAT. By entering into any of the product categories, you have the option to download a price list of all products from category you are in, in PDF format. To browse the price list in PDF, you need Adobe Reader, a program that reads these files.
Also, below the menu, on the left side, is stated the price converter, where you have the opportunity to choose the currency in which you want to display prices on our web site. By default, in Serbian version of the site, the prices are stated in dinars, while in the English version of the website prices are in euros. Products in selected category can be sort by prices from the highest one to the lowest one, and vice versa.
If your possibility of downloading and reviewing price lists expires, you can request an extension by logging into your account, and on the page “My Account” checking your data and clicking on the "Request for extension of the price view ".
In order to create account and register on our website, it is necessary to fill in the registration form, which is located on the Registration page.
In order to complete the registration, please enter your personal data in the fields and fill required, which are marked with *. Also, you need to enter a valid e-mail address so that the password can be send to you. This password you will use when logging into your account. When you fill out the registration form with complete and valid data, click “Send”.
By registering on our website, you can accomplish the following:
- Reviewing and downloading complete price list from our product range (assortment).
- Online ordering products via the web site.
- Possibility to contact us and send us a message at any time. You will receive reply as soon as possible.
After completing the registration, in your E-mail, you will receive a confirmation registration message, which will include a password, with which you will be able to log into your account. Please after registration is completed, check your Inbox and Spam (Junk) folder. In case you didn’t receive E-mail with the confirmation of registration, this means that during the filling the registration form you haven’t entered a valid e-mail address.
For more information, please contact our web support by phone:
+382 (0) 20/67-13-79 or +382(0)68/02-90-80.
Note: In case of entering incomplete or incorrect data in the registration form, you will not be able to access price lists.
Products are organized by categories that you can overview through the product main menu. You need to click on one of the categories in the main menu "Products", located in the header of the website and then it’s going to open a list of subcategories that contains the desired category. Clicking on the open subcategories, all products from the chosen category will be open. If you are registered on our website and logged in your account, in this review you will be able to see the products price. So you can read a more detailed product description or view an enlarged photo of the product, you need to click on the desired product in a thumb view (a little icon (picture) that is located in the product group).
If you want to view the products of the same main category that you clicked on the main menu of the products, on the left side will appear the other subcategories, which allows faster access to categories of similar content. If you still want to review the products of the other major category, it is necessary to click again on the desired category in the product main menu, after which will a subcategory open.
Products search is simple, fast and effective way for buyer to find a desired product. Searching products speed of the desired product is of great importance for the efficiency of order process.
Search for products on our website are being proceed via the Search field, located on the right side of the product main menu. The system performs product search for a given keyword, so that he follows title, code, or product category to show the closest result.
Clicking on the Search button opens up the field to enter the desired words and phrases for searching the product base.
In order to create your own account on our web site, first you have to register with your valid e-mail address on page “Registration”. After successful registration, you will receive an e-mail with your own password that you will need to log into your account on our web site. Login to your account is located in the header of the site, at the top (next to the icon for Facebook and Twitter), where you may find fields for entering the e-mail address, that you entered during registration, and a password that you received upon the registration.
Logging into your account on our web site you can accomplish the following:
- Possibility to review and download complete price list of our product assortment.
- Ordering products online through the website.
- On your account you can review all data that you entered during your registration, as well as the date by which you can download price lists. In case you need to change your personal data (address, phone number…), you can modify them on page “Change Data”.
- In case you wish to contact us, ask any questions, send us your suggestions or complain, you can send us a massage on page “My Account”, where you have the possibility to send a new massage. You will receive a response as soon as possible.
- On “My Account” page you can read new received massages, as well as review all sent and received massages.
- In case you wish to log out from your account, you can do so by clicking on the icon “Log Out”.
Dear customers,
If you have purchased any device from our offer, and you have a problem with it (within the warranty period or beyond), our service department is here to help you. You can contact our customer service every day from 08h to 20h and Saturday from 08h to 15.30h, at the following phone number +382 20 671 379
Direct lines for complaints and service are:+382 20 671 379
Anja cosmetics D.O.O. guarantees the quality of products from its product range (assortment). The warranty period for all electrical devices from our product range is 2 years from the date of sale printed on the receipt. All products are original brands and conform to the specifications listed on the website or in the instructions for use.
The provider of guarantee, in the warranty period, at its own expense, provides troubleshooting and product defects arising from mismatches actual with prescribed, more specifically declared quality product characteristics. In case of failure of this obligation, the provider of the guarantee will replace product with new one or return money to the buyer.
The buyer loses the right of warranty if the defect is caused by not following the instructions given for use, and if the product has been repaired by unauthorized persons.
In order to avoid misunderstandings, during the delivery, it is the seller and the buyer duty to review the product and to indicate possible mechanical damage, in which case the product will be replaced.
After a certain period of use, the product stops working within the warranty period or beyond, please let us know about it. Please be sure to keep the fiscal receipt for the duration of the warranty period, because without it you will not be able to achieve the warranty terms. In case we are not able to repair or replace the complaint product with new one cause of sellout, we will refund your money. The deadline for refund and determining the authenticity of what has the customer stated during the returning goods is 21 days from receiving goods to the service.
To obtain the right to claim it is necessary to:
- Defect (malfunction) of the complaint product you can report to the customer service at the phone number 020 671 379, which will refer you to the further procedure.
- Complaint item must be delivered in original packaging with all the components / documentation.
- You need to submit for review a fiscal receipt as proof of purchase.
- You need to write a concise description of the defect.
- All information about the status of a product that is on service the customer only receives from customer service.
Potrošač ima pravo da odustane od ugovora zaključenog na daljinu, odnosno izvan poslovnih prostorija u roku od 14 dana, bez navođenja razloga. Potrošač snosi direktne troškove vraćanja robe. Potrošač je odgovoran za umanjenu vrednost robe koja nastane kao posledica rukovanja robom na način koji nije adekvatan, odnosno prevazilazi ono što je neophodno da bi se ustanovili priroda, karakteristike i funkcionalnost robe.
Potrošač ostvaruje pravo na odustanak od ugovora izjavom koju može dati na posebnom obrascu za odustanak od ugovora zaključenog na daljinu, odnosno izvan poslovnih prostorija ili na drugi nedvosmislen način. Obrazac za odustanak od ugovora se može preuzeti na našoj internet stranici.
Preuzmite obrazac
Izjava o odustanku od ugovora kod ugovora na daljinu i ugovora koji se zaključuju izvan poslovnih prostorija smatra se blagovremenom ukoliko je poslata trgovcu u roku od 14 dana od trenutka zaključenja ugovora.
Izjava o odustanku od ugovora proizvodi pravno dejstvo od dana kada je poslata trgovcu.
Potrošač nema pravo da odustane od ugovora u slučaju:
pružanja usluga, nakon što je usluga u potpunosti izvršena ako je pružanje usluge počelo nakon izričite prethodne saglasnosti potrošača i uz njegovu potvrdu da zna da gubi pravo na odustanak od ugovora kada trgovac u potpunosti izvrši ugovor;
isporuke robe ili pružanja usluga čija cena zavisi od promena na finansijskom tržištu na koje trgovac ne može da utiče i koje mogu nastati u toku roka za odustanak;
isporuke robe proizvedene prema posebnim zahtevima potrošača ili jasno personalizovane;
isporuke robe koja je podložna pogoršanju kvaliteta ili ima kratak rok trajanja;
isporuke zapečaćene robe koja se ne može vratiti zbog zaštite zdravlja ili higijenskih razloga i koja je otpečaćena nakon isporuke;
isporuke robe koja se, nakon isporuke, zbog svoje prirode neodvojivo meša sa drugom robom;
isporuke alkoholnih pića čija je cena dogovorena u vreme zaključivanja ugovora o prodaji i čija se isporuka može izvršiti tek nakon 30 dana od dana zaključenja ugovora, a čija stvarna cena zavisi od promena cena na tržištu na koje trgovac ne može da utiče;
ugovora kojima potrošač izričito zahteva posetu od strane trgovca u cilju sprovođenja hitnih popravki ili održavanja; ukoliko prilikom ove posete trgovac pruži i druge usluge osim onih koje je potrošač konkretno zahtevao ili dostavi drugu robu osim delova za zamenu koji su neophodni za održavanje ili izvršenje popravke, pravo na odustanak od ugovora se odnosi na ove dopunske usluge ili robu;
isporuke zapečaćenih audio, video zapisa ili računarskog softvera, koji su otpečaćeni nakon isporuke;
isporuke novina, periodičnih izdanja ili časopisa osim pretplatničkih ugovora za isporuku ovih izdanja;
ugovora zaključenih na javnoj aukciji;
pružanja smeštaja koji nije u stambene svrhe, transporta robe, usluga iznajmljivanja automobila, usluga pripreme i dostavljanja hrane ili usluga povezanih sa slobodnim aktivnostima ukoliko ugovor predviđa konkretni rok ili period izvršenja;
isporuke digitalnog sadržaja koji nije isporučen na trajnom nosaču zapisa ako je izvršenje započelo posle prethodne izričite saglasnosti potrošača i njegove potvrde da zna da na taj način gubi pravo na odustanak od ugovora.
By registering on our website and logging into your account, you can get the possibility to place order Online from our product assortment.
From the menu, select the desired item and click on the (button) "Order".
After the first item being ordered, the order is being formed, which remains active until you complete the ordering process. At any moment you can interrupt the ordering and continue it for several days, because the active orders will be open.
In process of ordering items, there is a possibility of viewing the current order status, where you can track amount of the ordered products, as well as the total amount of your order.
After selecting all the items that you are interested in, in the current order, click “Finish and order”. Then you will be able to check and modify your data, if there has been any changing (shipping address, contact phone number). Also, you will be able to choose the delivery and payment method.
Then, your order will be automatically forwarded to our sales department, who will contact you in proper time, to confirm all the details.
For any questions or problems while ordering, you can contact our sales department at:
Phone Number mob: +382 (0) 68 039 080 or +382 (0) 68 049 080 (every working day and Saturday day ) from 08:00 to 20:00
E-mail: [email protected]
Dear customers,
At any time, during the working hours of our sales department, on workdays from 08h to 20h and Saturday from 08h to 15.30h, you can call our CALL CENTERS
Podgorica tel: +382 (0) 68 049 080 e-mail: [email protected]
Budva tel: +382 (0) 68 039 080 e-mail: [email protected]
H. Novi tel: +382 (0) 68 019 080 e-mail: [email protected]
Bar tel: +382 (0) 68 858 101 e-mail:
Veleprodaja tel:+382 (0) 68 029 140 e-mail:
and verbally leave your order.
You need to know exact name or code of the item you want to order, and order quantity, in order to avoid confusion during the package sending. Also, it is necessary to leave your complete contact details (personal data) (name, address and telephone number) so your order could be properly realized.
Dear customers,
Complete products assortment is available at our stores:
>A-Cosmetics Professional
Budva, Obilaznica, Rozino bb
Tel: +382 33 466 272
Mob: +382 68 389 080
e-mail: [email protected]
fb: A-Cosmetics professional Budva
Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
>A-Cosmetics Professional
Herceg Novi, Igalo,Save Ilića 8
Tel: +382 31 337 486
Mob: +382 68 019 080
e-mail: [email protected]
fb: A-Cosmetics professional Herceg Novi
Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
>A-Cosmetics Professional
Podgorica, City kvart ul. Radoja Dakića 17
Tel: +382 20 220 984
Mob: +382 68 049 080
e-mail: [email protected]
fb: A-Cosmetics professional Podgorica
Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
>A-Cosmetics Professional 2
Podgorica, Bulevar Bratstva i Jedinstva 31
Mob: +382 68 039 080
e-mail: [email protected]
fb: A-Cosmetics professional Podgorica
Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
>Urban Pro Cosmetics
Bar, Jovana Stojanovića f1
Mob: +382 68 858 101
fb: A-Cosmetics professional Podgorica
Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
Budva, TQ Plaza ,Mediteranska bb
Tel: +382 78 119 780
Mob: +382 68 079 080
e-mail: [email protected]
fb: A-Exclusive Instagram: acosmetics_montenegro
By visiting our stores it is possible to get all the necessary information and assistance about everything you are interested in as well as the opportunity to experience all the new products from beauty world.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS has copyrights on entire content (website name, logo, texts, pictures, photos, videos and audio materials, database, software, programming code). Web site represent protected copyright act in accordance with law of intellectual property.
Copying, distribution and use of content on website, partially or entirely, in any form, for other purposes (private or commercial) is strictly prohibited. Also, except mentioned, user is forbidden to use any of the website content, partially or entirely, without a previous written permission of the copyright owner. It is allowed to use website in informational purposes only, according to the terms of use.
Anja Cosmetics D.O.O. has every rights and special permits for use and publishing content on website, that has been taken over by third party, the independent producers.
Unauthorized use, copying or any kind of distribution any part of website or content (website name, logo, texts, pictures, photos, videos and audio materials, database, software, programming code), without permission of the copyright owner, is considered to be copyright infringement and it subjects to lawsuits. For violation any part of terms of use is competent commercial Court in Podgorica, as well as all international courts, which area of expertise is copyrights protection.
Delivery of items that you ordered is processed in shortest possible time via courier service:
- “Daily Express” delivery service, which is also our recommendation as the safe and effective method of package delivery.
- "Post Express" official courier service of Post of Serbia, which has the option of sending packages abroad.
- Courier service of your choice.
Courier services will, in accordance with their working hours, deliver your shipment by the following principle:
- Orders received on workdays until 12h are being shipped the next business day.
- Orders received on workdays after 12h are being delivered after two business days.
- Orders received on Fridays until 12h are being delivered on Saturday.
- Orders received Fridays after 12h and weekends are being delivered on Tuesday.
Goods payment is provided in following two ways:
- By invoices through the company account (for legal entities).
- Cash on delivery while taking packages from the courier.
For any questions or problems during the ordering you can contact our sales department at:
Phone Number: +382 68 04-90-80 (every day from 08:00 to 20:00 and Saturdays from 08:00 to 15:30 h)
E-mail: [email protected]
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In order to promote mutual business please take some of your time and answer the questions below. Please note that the form is completely anonymous.
Thank you for your time and trust.
Your A-Cosmetics